Friday, March 26, 2010

The Concept

I have the motors, I have development team (my father and I), and have the drive. Now I am ready for a concept drawing.

Since my motors have a 10.5" wheel and that long cylinder, I have to mount the motors such that cylinder is perpendicular to the ground. Mounting the motors horizontally will limit the length of the platform. I could avoid this by finding larger wheels, but that leads to another problem of finding a hub that matches the motor and a wheel that matches the hub.

I plan to have the electronics (sensors, processor, motor drive, etc) placed on the platform between my feet. Turning the Segway will be done at a joystick/potentiometer at the handle bars similar to the original Segway instead of steering with a swivel handle bar.

I drew a sketch of the concept in Google Sketch because it is free and easy to use. I sent it to my dad, so he can start working on the frame. This is an excellent start.

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